Friday 27 July 2012

Is life Real ?

Everyone lives in this world. Every person who is born in this earth plays a real role. The role includes striving hard to acquire wealth, health and happiness in one way or other. When a persons is perceived by others through their senses it is considered real. For example, no body felt that tsunamis are real with such devastating power during the 80's and 90's. It is considered real only after the perception through our senses. Similarly our life is also considered real until it is perceived by others or remembered by others.

Consider this example where the native Australian's were unable to locate the big ship of Capt.Cook while identified the small ones;
The story actually traces back to Captain Cook and his landing in Australia in April 1770. In other first encounters, the locals sailed or paddled out to meet Cook’s ship. At Sandwich Sound in Alaska, they came in canoes, showing open hands as a sign of friendship. Off New Zealand, canoes full of Maoris were more aggressive: “They brandish their spears, hack the air with their patoo patoos and shake their darts as if they meant every moment to begin the attack.”   But when Cook arrived off Australia, his ship drew no reaction. According to the historian Robert Hughes: “It was the largest artifact ever seen on the East Coast of Australia, an object so huge, complex and unfamiliar as to defy the natives’ understanding.” This is clearly the origin of the tale of invisible ships. It was only when the Europeans landed in canoes that the natives took action: “The sight of men in small boats was comprehensible to them: it meant invasion.”
the above example clearly illustrates that the majesty of the Captain Cooks big ship is not considered as real by the native Australians while the small boats are real because their degree of perception stops there. so our life is not limited to our own perception it is also depends upon the perception of others.

If a person is made list the number of people he knows during the last century that person accounts about 100 or more suppose make it to 2 century back the number declines and so it reduces. Consider the case of person who lived 1000 years back then a person can recollect them only through their works and contribution to the society and that too in the language known to him. Consider this example, a tribesman in amazon jungle does not knew about Abraham Lincoln or Jesus Christ or Buddha or  etc., he considers that life exists only among his tribe and with one or more known tribe living around the place. He often knew who is the head of his tribe about 100 years back?.unless they possess the requisite data in writing

Now comes the next question; is our life is remembered until our works are documented?. In general yes, a scientific person will consider that Thiruvalluvar lived 2000 years ago in Asia (a great poet who wrote Thirukural in his native language Tamil, the greatness of his writing is it applies to every other person in this world irrespective of his colour, religion or race) while the life of the great Hercules (Greek hero) is not true.

At this point, It is the ultimate question to ask our self "is our life real?", 
One person life is considered real until/unless that person life is remembered by others. Every person does a role so in this world so that he/she is remembered to the maximum extent. Even though the role played by every others is different like acting, playing, inventing etc., the basic nature behind them is to make their life to be remembered up to the maximum extent. 

In general a person in earth is remembered in 5 ways
  • during the course of his life
  • during the course of his/her relatives/friends life
  • until his/her contribution is remembered through his/her works
  • until his/her language is prevailed and till his/her contribution is useful/destructive.
  • until earth revolves 

In this world up to our knowledge we can say that only few things are real like universe, Sun, Moon, Stars, Earth, Water and Air, and we can also add God to that. God is real because we were unable to reason certain things beyond our capability and efforts and as a basic nature of human beings we leave those things which we cannot equate, or formulate as God, which cannot be disproved. 

When considering all these things now are we living a real life or it is just a smoke which goes away during the course of time.

Saturday 26 May 2012

The Craze for Money

The yard stick used in the 21sd century for measuring the status of an individual is Money. Some of the earlier yardstick which can be compared to money are Cattle, Chariots, Servants, Slaves, Territory etc., Starting from the earliest civilization to until now the money power plays an important role in creating an individual. Every individual nowadays are raised, to be more specific programmed to acquire money in one way other irrespective of their ideas, goals and ambition so that they acquire the Money.

Every human beings life can be divided into 4 parts. In the first 18 years he spends in learning the various way of procuring money, the second 18 years in the process of procuring money, the third 18 years in spending the money for their children and the other 18 years for saving the money. 

The various ways of making money are through employment, business, professional services, military services, etc., The successful man in this world is usually defined as the person who makes a large amount of money in the least amount of time. This definition of successful person had created a craze for money in the minds of every person. The various craziness involved in obtaining money are
  • Every religion in this world preaches that the blessings of their religion is expressed in the quantity of the money accumulated
  • The most probable way of accumulating the money is the method adopted by the majority of the population
  • Every one tends to lay their hands in other areas of quick money making like gambling, lotteries and gaming events at least once in their life time
  • The gaming events are such a craze one that people easily expresses their innermost feeling of love and hate openly in public, which they seldom express in private, when they are surprisingly given a 1000 bucks. (as in the case of the series minute to win it in axn tv)
  • A good looking person is turned to amateur prono artist when an lump sum is offered. (as in the case of playboy reality show)
  • Similliarily in the case of film world, there are no rules for the craziness of the money.
  • A few person are turned towards dacoity, smuggling, hired killers for making quick money.

In general the world is filled with people of different races, colours and ideology. They cannot be united at any point of time except in the case of money which follows no rules or law. The ulterior motive of even preaching of god to others is bound by the craze of money. The abode of god in this earthly place is also measured by the amount of money it generates, the more the collection the greater the power of god.

The craze for this money ceases at one point when a person finds out that not everything in this world can be purchased by money. At this stage his craziness for money fades away and the craziness of money for him rises, where the person enjoys real happiness.

Friday 17 February 2012

the two great weapon

The evolution of mankind shows that human being is able to overcome almost all the difficulties which had arised in his path. He used two great psychological weapon against all the odd to establish his superiority over the periods of time. They are broadly classifed as the ability to show love and the ability to create fear

All animals in this world including human normally have the tendancy to create a fear towards other genere while showing love towards its own genere. Only human being is capable of manipulating both qualities to his own whims and fancy. This is the reason behind his survival until now.We human beings were able to attract everything in this world. for example we can pet a dogeither by showing our love towards the dog or by creating a fear in the dog. 

A very popular example of a person who created fear to conquer the world is Timur, during his time of conquering his campaigns were preceded by the deployment of spies whose tasks included collecting information and spreading horrifying reports about the cruelty, size, and might of Timur’s armies. Such psychological warfare eventually weakened the morale of threatened populations and caused panic in the regions that he intended to invade. The later ones who followed these include Hitler during the 1st and 2nd world war and also the americans who created a fear among the Japanese by the exploding a sample of nuclear bomb in Hiroshima, thereby capturing them. while the persons who have captured through love is very negligeble like Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Abraham Lincoln etc.,

Every body in this world is exposed to love and fear. The more we are exposed to love or fear the more we use them as weapon. In general it is easier to attract people by creating a fear in them rather than binding through love. The more we use them as weapon the more we get surrendered to them. Eventhough Socrates know that the food is poisoned he accepted them because of his love towards his fellow people. 

The ability to show kindness or love and the ability to create fear are almost equal in weightage and at sometime the ability of love can acquire a rich harvest than acquiring through creating fear. A person who is well worsed in human realations uses them according to his whim and fancy and master the crowd. Moreover it does involves a lot of carefull thought, planning, timing and executions to master these great weapons where only a few have succeeded in life using them both together.

Monday 19 December 2011

The essence of religion.

Every religion in this world focusses these primary aspects of human life,
which are known as
Health, Happiness, Peace and Harmony.
It can also be said to be the fundamental aspects of religion or the
essence of religion

The religion starts right from the time a person is born, an healthy delivery of a women is said to be a blessed one, a baby born
healthy is the blessing of God as a result it is considered as an divine intrusion. Normally an healthy baby will be happier one,
therefore arise the second aspect ie. happiness. Then comes the peace, in the middle of the life of human, unless the human being
who is satisfied with self, own belief, living environment, that person  cannot pursue peace within himself or that person cannot live
in peace. Then arises the fourth aspect ie., harmony, which is the way in which the human relates their life with other, when any
person who is not satisfied with the health, happiness and peace then that person cannot be in a position to enjoy harmony with
the neighbours and people of other religion.

The value of religion has an important factor in the life of an individual. In most cases, a person who is religious can be basically
trusted compared to a person who doesn't follow any religion. The reason behind this is that a religous person is bound by the
basic religious principle wich says that all are children of god, which is not so in a person who does not follow any religion. But in
permanent relationship this religious binding does help and it is only a little higher than non-religious group, unless or otherwise the
person is a true follower of that religion. The reason behind this is due to the fact that it is quite difficult to understand the second
level of religion which implies that religion cannot be preached alone but it has to be practised by everyone. Every religion in this
world preaches the basic essence of good and happier life and the ways to be followed to attain it. Only a minimal number of
person enjoy the essence of religion by following it in their life.

It is quite impossible to describe how a human being is enjoying the essence of religion,
but generally
if a person who is satisfied
with the food, when he is hungry
who is able to sleep as soon as he
lies in his bed
can be considered as person
who is enjoying
the essence of his religion.

Thursday 24 November 2011

The Most Happiest Person

Every person born in this world is expected to face the life happiness in one way or another. The way in which a person sees happiness may vary across
the globe but the principle of happiness remain the same.
A child born in famine infected country will feel happy if the child sees a piece of food, while a child in western countries feel happy if the child is allowed to shop alone. The circumstances differ across the globe but the feelings remain the same. 
A person enjoys happiness of walking naked in some country while another
person enjoys happiness walking with face covered. We can anyway say
that people living in the poorest nation aloso feels happy to
that of a person living in richest nation.
Happiness is a strange emotion or feeling which can neither be bought by money or sold for money. It is a state of mind as conceived by individuals irrespective of their surrounding. Happiness can also said that it is a state of mind during which our
mind cease to function or during which particular period of time our mind
doesnt think of anything, in eastern philosophy it is state equivalent to
nirvana. Nirvana is the state when the mind is not focussed to any
event while happiness is the state when the mind is focussed to
a present pleasent situation.
When human mind is focussed in a present pleasant situation happiness is attatined.
The pleasant situation may be in regard to physical or physiological state of
human body. The physiological state can be acheived when a person
enjoys his surrounding environment ie. with friends or in good natural
environment, the physical state can be acheived when the muscles
of the body are made relaxed after stretching etc.,
Infact happiness or the state of mind being happy is searched across the globe but in reality it is attained only by the person himself. It can be said that the most
happy person is a one, who enjoys his work, who is satisfied with his
money and family and in all who loves himself.
Therefore the most happy person is a one who understands
that happiness is inside us and not away from us.

Friday 4 November 2011


Life in simple language can be described as the actions done by human being during his life time.

The actions done during the life time of an individual depends upon the various factors like, family, friends, physical & social environment etc.,

----to be cont..